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Supplement Label

for Bala Vita

Founded in 2010, Bala Yoga is proud of the light, airy studio spaces they call home, their diverse group of knowledgeable and passionate instructors, and the wide variety of classes filling their schedule each week. Bala Yoga isn’t just another fitness studio; is a community celebrating movement, breath and light. Bala Yoga is preparing to introduce 29 new supplements under the brand name Bala Vita.

Requirements & Inspiration

Compliance with Regulatory Standards 

The supplement label design must adhere to all relevant regulatory requirements set forth by the appropriate governing bodies (e.g., FDA in the United States, EFSA in Europe). This includes accurately representing the supplement facts, ingredients list, suggested use, warnings, and any other mandatory information in a clear and conspicuous manner.

Clear and Legible Information

The design should prioritize clarity and legibility to ensure consumers can easily read and understand essential information about the supplement. 

Accurate Representation of Product Benefits

The label design should effectively communicate the intended benefits and purposes of the supplement. This may involve incorporating relevant imagery, symbols, or graphics that convey the supplement's key attributes and target demographic.

Clean and Minimalist 

Maintain a clean and minimalist design to convey a sense of sophistication and modernity, avoiding unnecessary clutter that may distract from the key elements of the packaging. 


Final Results

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