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Face Scrub Pouch

for Black Heart

A brand that expresses purity and naturalness.

With Black Heart coffee scrub, the manufacturer intends to offer a natural product enriched with various beneficial elements. The main goal was to create a minimalist, elegant packaging that has a gender neutral character.

I created more than 15 packaging variations to ensure that, in the end, we could choose the most suitable option.

Requirements & Inspiration

Gender Neutral

The brand is gender neutral, so the design must suit both women and men

Clean and Minimalist 

Maintain a clean and minimalist design to convey a sense of sophistication and modernity, avoiding unnecessary clutter that may distract from the key elements of the packaging. 


Design the packaging to accommodate variations in product types within the bath salts range, maintaining a cohesive look while allowing for differentiation between different scents or herbal blends.

Emotional Appeal

Evoke positive emotions through the design, creating a connection between the consumer and the product by telling a story of tradition, quality, and the natural origins of the ingredients.


Final Results

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