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Shipping Bags

for Holland Bike Shop

Holland BS, a bicycle parts distributor, approached us with a request to design packaging for their deliveries. The client specifically asked for a design using only three colors and incorporating the brand's mascot. As a result, the design was developed and tailored to four specific dimensions in accordance with the client's requests.

Requirements & Inspiration

Clean and Minimalist 

To maintain a clean and minimalist design to convey a sense of sophistication and modernity, avoiding unnecessary clutter that may distract from the key elements of the packaging. 

Mascot Element

To incorporate the brand mascot (the colors of the mascot must be adjusted to meet requirement 2 - only 3 colors should be used).

4 different dimensions

The design had to be adjusted for 4 different package sizes.

3 colors design

The client's request was to use only 3 colors in the design.


Final Results

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